Dear soccer families,


Our organization is in desperate need of a new utility vehicle to haul equipment, move and arrange goals, and coordinate the massive undertaking of organizing field operations. After more than 20 years of service and extensive repairs over the last several years, our fully depreciated utility vehicle is no longer safe or reliable for our volunteers to use. This piece of equipment is critical to our operations, and we are reaching out today to ask for your help in funding this essential replacement before the start of the spring/summer season.


The total cost of a new utility vehicle is around $10,000. We would be able to fully fund this purchase with your gift of $50 or $100.


We are proud of the incredible work of our coaches and volunteers, who foster and develop a love of soccer in hundreds of kids in Northfield and the surrounding area each year. Soccer is one of the most affordable and accessible youth sports, and even as we have faced our own financial hardships as an organization, we remain dedicated to keeping costs down for our programs and continuing to provide scholarships for players who need them. Using donations to help fund the purchase of a new utility vehicle is one way we can maintain this commitment.


If you are able to donate to this critical cause, you may do so online or by mail:


Our dedication to this community and our players is enduring, and we look forward to being in service to the youth of Northfield for generations to come.


In gratitude,


Blake Kane, President

Kate Dreier, Vice President

Glen Rosenhamer, Secretary

Eric Runestad, Treasurer

Helen Clarke, Communications Coordinator

Ryan Bowles, Member At-Large

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