Volunteer Opportunities
All families participating in traveling soccer are required to volunteer with the Northfield Soccer Association. The volunteer requirement may be fulfilled in a number of ways, including:
- Board Member
- In-House Coordinator(s)
- Health / COVID-19 Coordinator
- Equipment Coordinator
- Referee Assigner
- Bookkeeper
- Registrar
- Field Coordinator
- Talent Team
- Finance Committee
- Fundraising Committee
- Nominating Committee
- In-House Helpers
- Volunteer Coordinator
- Academy Manager (Boys/Girls)
- Traveling Team Manager
- Field Crew (spring and fall work sessions)
- Webmaster
- Photographer/Videographer
- Hispanic Community Outreach Committee
Questions about volunteer opportunities may be directed to president@northfieldsoccer.org.
Opt-Out Fee
Families that prefer to donate dollars rather than hours may pay a $200 opt-out fee. Checks may be sent to: Northfield Soccer Association, PO Box 37, Northfield, MNĀ 55057. Families that do not complete the volunteer commitment will be sent an invoice.